Home and World—A Review of Boy and the World(2013)

23/05/2020 This weekend I have had a chance to watch a Brazilian animated adventure film Boy and the World(2013) which has a unique hand-drawing style and no clear dialogue in the whole storytelling. Its narrative tells that a boy living in countryside and growing in a natural place experiences his father leaving the family by …

Inside Out Review——a look into the emotion

17/5/2020 There have been lots of fantastic animations looking at the macrocosm surrounding us. But how about going into an inner world inside ourselves? Here, Pixar’s award winning animation film Inside Out (2015) provides a creative access to looking into our human’s inner spiritual world, and focusing on emotions as a crucial part of our …

A Review of My Researching of Anja Kofmel’s Film: Chris the Swiss

03/05/2020 This year, I was in my first time having chances to touch and study animated documentary from an academical angle. Before that, I personally thought about animated documentary as an unambiguous category of animation that I could seldom recognise because I did have seen many documentaries combining digital skills and animated drawings in some …