A Thought from the Film ‘The Celestine Prophecy(2006)’


This Sunday, I have watched a film ‘The Celestine Prophecy'(2006) adapted by a 1993 novel of the same name written by James Redfield, which inspired me a new thought that I am seeking for recently.

Unlike other high technological or art films, this is actually a spiritual film with a simple script telling a story about a male narrator John Woodson involved in a trip to Peru when told by his old female friend that there is a priest, Father Jose, finding eight scrolls of ancient manuscripts written at 5 or 6 BC. These manuscripts reveal a huge and astonishing prophecy about the modern life and future’s development of human beings. At the beginning, John Woodson loses his high-teaching job, pushing him into a crossroad of his life. But there is a shot showing he standing at the classroom and staring at a long colourful picture of evolutionism from brith of earth to human modern buildings on the wall, and then writing down a question behind it: what’s next? Such concern leads John join in the research for the ninth scroll of this prophecy, even though workers around father Jose are involved into a big trouble with the ruling class which uses gun power to stop them publishing these prophecy to the public and is afraid of losing their power over the people.

Without a great act or special effects, this film still left a surprise on the contents of this prophecy for me. Behind it mostly hides some answers I have been searching for several months about. There is a paragraph before this story says to look the world closely not only from your mind, but from your soul, and open up the world from the First Insight. Throughout the whole travel, the main character John opens his mind to the world step by step, even in the hardest tarp, and ultimately sees a real world with higher dimensions.

The nine scrolls in this film actually tell nine steps of spiritual development of individuals:

1. we are re-perceiving our real world full of sudden coincidences and synchronistic encounters. This is apparently true to everyone that we can easily find lots of coincidences full of our daily life. Although science teaches most of people a mechanically linear thinking about the cause and effect, most theories are just built on the possible premiss, making most scientists become only predictors, not real prophets.

2. We will create a new worldview redefining our universe as energetic and sacred. When you open yourself up to the world, you will find these energies everywhere. And I think many scientists have found it as energy creates matter, it also creates every single life on this planet.

3. We will discover that everything around us including matter stems from a divine energy that we are beginning to see and understand. This will be the final answer to one ultimate question for most philosophers and scientists about a source we are coming from. But this source is not physical or ideal. It is beyond all these definitions. If I make a metaphoric explanation, I will say it is more like the One manifesting itself into everything including life and non-life(the whole universe) instead of a humanised God that creates everything. We can find this divine source from ourselves’ existence, so we are not separated at higher levels.

4. From this perspective we can find the deep reason for all human conflict is coming from a disconnection with this sacred source, causing a struggle of insecurity and finding energy by dominating each other. This is the most useful answer to me since I started to consider why people always cause conflicts, wars and classes, and unfair treatments to the female during the whole human history. Here is the reason. As this sentence points out, because most people lost the connection with their real souls and energy source, they feel thirsty and unsatisfied with desires. They can only take energy outside such as elites satisfy themselves by controlling the mass, men take powers from controlling women, and some parents maintain status from controlling children. Every tragedy happens in human society is from the mental lack of human itself.

5. The only solution is to cultivate a reconnection with the divine via unlimited energy and love, expending our perception of beauty, and lifting us into a Higher-Self Awareness. Because only love can give people real power and energy from our heart instead of money and material possessions which cannot fill people’s psychological lack.

6. In this awareness, we can reverse our way of controlling and discover our specific mission of life is to help human evolve into a new level of reality.

7. We can find our inner intuition that tells us where to go and what to do. If we give others positive flow of energy, we will receive a greater positive energy from the universe. In others words, we can receive positive feedback when we share positive actions, words and love; vice versa. If we create hate, insults and war, whether the war is justice or not, we can only receive the same negative feedback. It does not mean we should embrace everyone that will hurt us, instead, we should reduce superfluous negative thoughts and protect our free will via positive measures.

8. When enough of us enter this evolutionary flow, we will build a new culture in a new reality.

9. We already participate into a long journey with life’s ultimate goal to energise our body, and a heaven is waiting for us in the end of this journey.

There is no limit for the steps. And we can also have tenth, eleventh and more steps following. From this film, I have got a positive inspiration of creating my own animation. When I recapped most contemporary animations I watched, I found some animators like revealing darkness of our society. I think it is ok to discuss these social issues from the dark side of our society, but most of them do not give a guide or solution, and I can understand they just want a warning to the public. Personally, I think it is better to create animations based on guiding people rediscover themselves, re-evoking humanity that we are losing, sharing permanent and unconditional love that unites people and stops division from every culture. All the cognitions now we know from the world just comes from a controlled brain which will disappear in the future. And I think it is time to recognise that our future does not exist in high technologies like AI and chemical industries. It exists in ourselves’ inner soul and our spiritual evolution, including relationship with our mother land earth and new attitudes toward other lives and non-lives. There is a word that I think I can use for such change of my thought for animation: the Neo-Renaissance Age.

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