Opera Review: Carmen

27/01/2020, English Natures Opera This Monday, I had a chance to see a free opera with my classmates thanks to my tutor. It was my first experience of enjoying an English opera in a traditional opera architecture. This opera taking in the English National Opera in the evening was an modern adaptation of the original …

Exhibition of British Cartoon and Manga

19/12/2019 This week I have visited the Cartoon Museum in the central London in a rainy afternoon. With the freezing air, I walked into this general-size glass house and went downstairs to a basement space——not a very wide space that can exhibit enough cartoon papers. They were showing a regular exhibition of British cartoon from …

Tate Modern Exhibition: Visual revolution, Feminism and Media.

02/11/2019, Tate Modern I have been to Tate Modern for the rest free exhibitions this week. From my view, it is very meaningful to trace the way of contemporary art and their exploration of new issues or movements. Western Arts, relying on the thoughts or technology revolution, sometimes have to delve into the separated factors …

Rothko and His Art World

05/11/2019, Book Review During my visit of Tate Modern, I was at the first time to directly touch Rothko’s artworks and get moved deeply by his huge paintings at an intimate distance. Subsequently, I bought Jacob Baal-Teshuva’s book Rothko in order to find the reason of the powerful impression of these works. From this book, …

Art Exhibition: Dialogue with The Past

5/10/2019 Tate Modern Twenty century could be considered unstable and sophisticated in many aspects of human societies and countries being full of conflicts and wars. Different ideologies were enhanced to divide people into groups and confrontations that actually brought horrors and insecurity into social life. During that time, some artists were caring about the universal …

A rebel in Daily Photographers: Nan Goldin

20/10/2019, Tate Modern This weekend, I visited the Tate Modern again. There was a photography exhibition of a female free photographer, Nan Goldin, from the US. But I was told that people were not allowed to take any photos of them. What a pity, I just only recorded them in my mind. Nan Goldin, born …

A Look at Abstract Art in New Contents

5/10/2019 Modern Art was still kept away from me as a mystery when I was an undergraduate. So since I came to London, I decided to have a visit at Tate Modern Museum which is popularly known by collections of contemporary art. Last century, modern art appeared some new developments of artworks’ purposes, making methods …

First Touch to Sand Animation

1/10/2019, CSM Animation Studio In the beginning of the Character Animation course in the Central Saint Martin in London, our tutor Steve introduced sand animation practice to us. It was my first time touching sand animation. Because there was no keyframes drawn ahead, we need to choose one inspiration from given pictures and morph the …